The predominant metal is silver or Argentium® Silver or a combination of both. May be cast, fabricated, forged, assembled or created with any combination of techniques.

First Place
Seung Jeon Paik
Savannah, GA, USA

Artist Statement: This piece represents a naturally occurring galaxy form. The primary technique is traditional granulation, which is the process of joining small balls to base strata. I use 32-gauge silver wires as the base strata onto which I fuse the granules of 18k gold.

Second Place
Wolfgang Vaatz
Rio Rico, AZ, USA

Artist Statement: The design of the fabricated necklace is inspired by the inner action of the quartz crystal cut by Tom Munsteiner. Unrefined placer gold is used to reflect the natural tubes in the crystal. 22k gold is used to highlight the cut planes in the crystal. The gold is fused to Argentium® Silver.